Advent Restorative with Soundbath Retreat
Hosted by Studio 4:8 Yoga with Bonnie Meyer

*** Studio 4:8 Yoga Members — enter the code “advent” at checkout to receive $5 off ***
Join Bonnie Meyer for her Advent Restorative Retreat with soothing Christmas music, spiced golden milk and sound healing experience.
Sunday December 3
2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Come, step away from the rush of the season to set your intention on experiencing Christ’s birth in a more meaningful way. Come and be thoroughly pampered with hot spiced golden milk, supportive and restoring postures, and beautiful sounds of the season with soothing Christmas music and soundbath with crystal bowls, koshi chimes, and ocean drum.
Come experience a Christmas like never before.
Come experience a Christmas like you’ve always dreamed of…
So come Christmas morning, you haven’t missed Him.
So come Christmas morning—you’ve wrapped the greatest gift you’ve always yearned for—more of Him.
Members: $39
Studio 4:8 Yoga Members — please enter the code “advent” at checkout to receive $5 off
Non-members: $44
Each registrant will receive a gift bag to take home and use for your home practice throughout the season in your meditation/prayer practice.
Included inside will be: essential oil spray bottle, tea, and Lectio Divina advent meditation.
Each registrant will also receive a 2 week membership to the studio either to use themselves (non-members) or give to a friend (members)
Only 10 spots open; sign-up today. This event sells out quickly.
See you there
All levels
Refunds are not available for events/workshops as your payment reserves your spot, and the teacher is paid for your spot whether you are in attendance or not. Credit may be given for another workshop of equal or less
er value on a per-case basis.

E-RYT 300, Master R-HYI 500 Founder/Owner/Lead Instructor for 200-hr YTT, Reiki Instructor
Bonnie is the founder of Studio 4:8 yoga located in Lincoln, NE and is the director of training/lead instructor for Studio 4:8 School of Yoga: Lincoln’s only Christ-Centered Yoga teacher training program. She has been a dedicated yoga student for 16 years and instructing for 13.
Bonnie was trained for Reiki under the guidance of John Salat, author of “Tao, Art of Flow.”
Places/focus of study include: Shoshoni Ashram- Colorado, Therapeutic Touch Training, through Holy Yoga – Irvine, CA, 200hr RYT-Yoga Alliance-Lincoln, Ne, Restorative Yoga Certification through Bhadra Yoga in Omaha. 300-hour through Holy Yoga, 500-hr Masters-HYI Holy Yoga, Yin Yoga-True Nature School of Yoga, San Diego, CA, Massage Thai Yoga, Center of Healing Arts Omaha, Nebraska, Trauma Informed Yoga Certification through the Prison Yoga Project/ San Diego California, and Ayurvedic Consultation through Tejas Yoga/Chicago, Illinois.
She recently studied with Naomi Pryde and Ro Keyzer of Yeshu Bhakti (A yoga practice of devotion to Jesus) in Varanasi, India and completed Foundations in Vibrational Sound Healing through Ahimsa School of Sound in Chicago, Illinois.