Bonnie Jensen Meyer

Bonnie Jensen Meyer

E-RYT 300, Master R-HYI 500 Founder/Owner/Lead Instructor for 200-hr YTT, Reiki Instructor

Bonnie is the founder of Studio 4:8 yoga located in Lincoln, NE and is the director of training/lead instructor for Studio 4:8 School of Yoga: Lincoln’s only Christ-Centered Yoga teacher training program. She has been a dedicated yoga student for 20 years and instructing for 17. 

Bonnie was trained for Reiki under the guidance of John Salat, author of “Tao, Art of Flow.”  She is also a raindrop therapy provider. 

Places/focus of study include: Shoshoni Ashram- Colorado, Therapeutic Touch Training, through Holy Yoga – Irvine, CA, 200hr RYT-Yoga Alliance-Lincoln, Ne, Restorative Yoga Certification through Bhadra Yoga in Omaha. 300-hour through Holy Yoga, 500-hr Masters-HYI Holy Yoga, Yin Yoga-True Nature School of Yoga, San Diego, CA, Massage Thai Yoga, Center of Healing Arts Omaha, Nebraska, Trauma Informed Yoga Certification through the Prison Yoga Project/ San Diego California, and Ayurvedic Consultation through Tejas Yoga/Chicago, Illinois.

She recently studied with Naomi Pryde and Ro Keyzer of Yeshu Bhakti (A yoga practice of devotion to Jesus) in Varanasi, India and completed Foundations in Vibrational Sound Healing through Ahimsa School of Sound in Chicago, Illinois.


Laura Anderson

Laura Anderson

Lead Instructor - 200-hr E-RYT , Certified in Restorative and Yoga Nidra<br />

“I have done yoga for almost half of my life. As I began my yoga journey it was the physical aspect of yoga as well as mental that attracted me. I had no idea that my yoga practice would take me to such a deep personal relationship with God. It improved my focus, ability to hold prayer and space. As I continue along my journey and deepen my faith I’m happy to share what I have learned and where I have come from. I feel I can truly relate to people on all yoga levels, as I have been on them. My style of yoga is Vinyasa Flow and I enjoy the creative freedom that I bring to my practice. I love to sprinkle in some fun. The freedom to express my faith through yoga is something that I cherish about this studio.”
Laura lives in Lincoln with her husband Kristian, their five children, two cats, and pug puppy named Joy. She loves all kinds of music, reading, and travel.
Lindsay Daniels

Lindsay Daniels

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

“They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”     Jeremiah 17:8

When Lindsay was freshly transplanted to Lincoln after living abroad, God rooted her into the nourishing river that is Studio 4:8. In those waters, she finds love, grace, connection, peace, and an entirely new outlook on yoga.

At Studio 4:8, yoga is a joyful exploration of God’s greatest, most majestic creation: the human body, “fearfully and wonderfully made” in His image. The poet Percy Shelley said, “Poetry lifts the veil on the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.” Like poetry, yoga “lifts the veil” on the mundane familiarity of our bodies and invites us to explore them as a wondrous work of God.

Lindsay’s classes invite us to bathe our body, our spirit, and our breath in His love. This is the ultimate restorative practice: unearthing God’s love, grace, and peace within, so that we can bring it with us out into our fallen world.

Megan Bell

Megan Bell

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

I started my yoga practice 7 years ago as a way to control anxiety. I never imagined I would feel called to become an instructor. Now I find myself intentionally stepping out of my comfort zone and on to the mat at the head of the room at 4:8 twice a week. I do it because I want to help each and every person that enters the space we hold to feel the connection I have found in my practice.

The connection between my mind, body and breath, but also with my God. Trying things we may fail at is scary, I can honestly say I still fail on the regular in my practice, but I also continue to grow. So if you want to try something new that might seem a little scary, or way outside of where you envisioned yourself, come say hi! We can meet at the mat and figure it out together.

See you soon!

Ana Velez

Ana Velez

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

I started my yoga practice seven years ago when I was finishing my Ph.D. I was looking for an exercise that inspired me to move and relax. Yoga seemed the perfect fit. As my practice progressed, I recognized that yoga was more than an exercise. Yoga is a way of living and viewing the world, a path to recalibrate and remind ourselves of what matters. Yoga has been my refuge during hard times, and I want to share with students the beauty that yoga can bring to their lives. My favorite style is vinyasa because the fast movement helps me quiet my monkey mind and prepares me for rest and a deeper connection with God. I am learning to embrace the slow pace of yin and restorative since it reminds me to slow down my fast-paced life and, most importantly, breathe.

Ana lives in Lincoln with her husband and her rescue dogs, Peepers and Beardie. She enjoys spending time in nature, observing creepy crawlies, hiking, and knitting.

Shiela Sievert

Shiela Sievert

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

Yoga is now part of my identity. I began to practice regularly about 8 years ago and it changed all aspects of my life: physically, mentally, and emotionally. I love the community and acceptance of Studio 4:8. Every class I have taken at Studio 4:8 has been phenomenal with acceptance and love for each person during each step of their journey. Ever since the first year of teacher training was offered, I knew I wanted to be not just a yoga teacher but a Christian Yoga Teacher! Finally, in God’s perfect timing, this year was the right year to go through YTT and it was and is everything I hoped it would be.
My rambunctious family includes 7 children and 11 (and counting) grandchildren. My husband and I are coming up on 40 years of marriage. I am a high school teacher during the day, yoga teacher at night and a world traveler teacher during the summer. I love to have fun both on and off the mat so join me for a class and we can share the adventure of yoga together!

Shaina Adams

Shaina Adams

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

Practicing yoga creates space that allows us to pause to acknowledge the beauty in our breath. Space gives us permission to wonder how we can hold things a little more loosely. My journey with yoga has encouraged me to seek out the moments where things feel a little bit lighter and a little less overwhelming to me and in turn, hold space for those around me to do the same.

Yoga allows us to show up as we are and tune in, and sometimes it is nice to do that in community with others. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be part of the Studio 4:8 family, where showing up, having faith, and figuring it out together are part of the daily routine.

Faith Lauterbach

Faith Lauterbach

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

Hi, I’m Faith! I am a Registered Nurse, and a holistic health and wellness coach and now I am honored to say yoga teacher! On my own wellness journey I discovered journaling, meditating, breathwork and yoga to be the things that brought me healing. I am honored to be able to share these things with others.

I am married to my soulmate Seth. Together we have 5 grown kids, and a Frenchie – who makes us laugh every day. I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, home organizing, traveling, working out, finding time to be in nature, meditate, yoga and journaling. If we haven’t met yet, I can’t wait to meet you on your mat!

Kelli Power

Kelli Power

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

Practicing yoga gives us a chance to understand the mind and body connection. Giving us a chance to understand our patterns, strengths, weaknesses. All are important to establish a work-life balance, which is very much needed in today’s world.

Yoga helps me conquer my anxiety, live in the moment, continuing my journey of self-discovery.

When I am not on my yoga mat, I love being outdoors. My hobbies are kayaking, hiking, and camping. When stuck in doors I am an avid reader.

I live in Lincoln with my husband Joe. We have six grown children (along with our fur baby named Abby), and eight grandkids.

Come join our yoga family at Studio 4:8

Heather Heffernan

Heather Heffernan

200-RYT Studio 4:8 School of Yoga Graduate

I began practicing yoga in my bedroom with a VHS tape my grandma gave me when I was 14 years old and going through some very difficult times. Although my practice has certainly developed, changed and evolved over the past 3+ decades, I am so grateful for each step of the journey. I have predominantly practiced at home on my own, with Studio 4:8 being the first place I ever practiced in a class setting. The studio, the members, the instructors, every bit of my time at this studio has blessed me in immeasurable ways and never ceases to leave my cup overflowing.

Yoga has the power to make both my best, and my worst, days better. It helps center and ground me, fosters a quieting of the mind, connects my body, mind and spirit and helps draw me closer to my Creator and the purpose He has for my life. Yoga creates a unique opportunity to link breath and movement which is probably my favorite part of the practice. It has been a journey for me in the realization that the real depth and breadth of yoga is in the breath and the culmination of each individual’s journey toward stillness in the mind and body. In the flow of breath and motion, yoga coaxes us from the confines of our known, across a silent threshold and into the vastness of still.

I moved to Lincoln in July 2020 after having spent much of my life in North Platte, NE. and I have two children, ages 24 and 22. Other occupational titles I hold include: physical therapy technician, Licensed Massage Therapist and USA Swimming club coach. I love anything outdoors with hiking, paddleboarding, kayaking and gardening among some of my favorite outdoor activities. I also cherish time spent with family and traveling as well as cooking and creating things like herbal salves and tinctures.

I am hopeful to be of service to God and others as an instructor in this beautiful space.



Admin/Social Media/Website Manager

My yoga journey began at 16 looking for something to help my back pain and to balance my weight lifting. I practiced off and on till college, when my practice became more about stress management. I’m naturally flexible but have tight hips and feel clumsy about being upside down. Joining Studio 4:8 changed my yoga journey and was my life line during the last few semesters of college. Each class offers variety, individualization, and a safe space to grow.

After graduating from Union College in May 2017 I moved to Colorado. In 2020 I relocated to Michigan with my pastor husband and daughter Lina for my husband to attend Seminary. While not in Nebraska anymore, I still enjoy helping Bonnie. If you email the studio, I’m usually the one who helps you! When not doing all things yoga related, you’ll find me behind the camera or editing photos for my photography business.

Kelli Moon

Kelli Moon

Business Manager

I’ve been doing yoga off and on for 10 years, but it did not become such a huge staple in my life until the opening of Studio 4:8.  I originally sought out yoga not only for the physically health benefits, but more so for the mental health benefits… a way to free my mind from the endless stream of everyday thoughts and worries.  (I’m a natural born worrier )

Why I choose Studio 4:8 is because it is like no other.  Before Studio 4:8, I had never experienced a studio where EVERYONE is comfortable and accepted at all levels.  Learning is strongly encouraged and nurtured, and there is never a feeling of competition or judgment.  It is truly about my own practice, bettering myself, and getting closer to God in a way I’ve never experienced before.